Young Booze Busters


The Glasgow East Alcohol Awareness Project “GEAAP” is a community based alcohol project located in Glasgow. Established in 1992, GEAAP provides a variety of alcohol related services to the residents of the east end of Glasgow.

Our award winning service provides a structured eight week programme of alcohol awareness sessions to pupils in primary six and seven (aged 10-12 years) to schools across Glasgow and Inverclyde.

The aim of these sessions is to increase young people’s awareness and knowledge of alcohol and the related dangers associated with its use.

This site has been developed to enable GEAAP to reach out to more young people. By giving clear, factual information about alcohol and other drugs, we aim to increase their knowledge and awareness of alcohol related issues. By linking the quiz section of this site to the alcohol information pages, it is hoped that young people will seek out the site to take the quiz which will lead to them learning as they play.

They can even win* prizes!

Many adults wonder when or if they should talk to their children about alcohol. Some children ask about alcohol from a very early age and an open, honest response is better than avoiding the issue.

If you would like information or help with issues relating to alcohol, please contact us on 0141 773 1222 /

General support, advice and information on alcohol related issues and details of organisations are available on the links page of this site.

We hope you find this website informative and helpful.

*To win prizes, young people must register – Please see home page for details.